For Megan, Amelia and Gunnar

One of the joys of letting out your property is that you get to meet some wonderful people.  I think it’s true to say that all of our guests over the past few years have been a joy to host.  This is particularly true though when you get young children running around, clearly enjoying themselves.  And let’s face, it there’s nothing better than seeing happy children.

For the past few days we’ve had the pleasure of the company of Megan and her friend Carole and their children.   The eldest, Amelia, helped me to select the photos for my blog yesterday, which seemes to have gone down well.

After they had packed up and departed to walk to the Ferpècle glacier, I discovered that they had left a few things behind.  So I decided to take my mountain bike for a spin to hand them back.  Thankfully, I met them coming down as I struggled up the hill.  As we said our goodbyes, I promised Amelia that I’d take some pictures and post another blog, just for them (and you followers of course 🙂 ).

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