Circular walk from Byland Abbey, N. Yorkshire, England

I’ve recently returned from a trip to the UK, where I met up with some of my old friends to play golf and go for a couple of walks.  I’ll skip quickly passed the golf and show you a few photos of a walk I did with Ian, Martin and his wife Jan, who had recently bought a camera very similar to mine.  So we took it in turns to snap away at anything and everything and a few of the photos below are courtesy of Jan (as watermarked).

The day was noted for a rather cloudy start, which thankfully improved, and a Collie dog which adopted us in the car park and followed us, or rather, we followed it, for most of the way, around the walk.  We left it in the good care of 2 ladies who were doing the same walk and knew it lived near the Abbey.

For more information on Byland Abbey, please read here, but it was founded in 1135.

7 thoughts on “Circular walk from Byland Abbey, N. Yorkshire, England

    • Thank you Jane. The dog was a delight. He or she started by dropping what looked like a crab apple for us to throw in the car park, then proceeded to follow us across the field and along the path. There was nobody around to send him/her back to, so we figured we’d return it when we got back! I included the bee picture because I thought its eye was, well, eye catching. 🙂


  1. Pingback: Circular Walk from Crayke, N. Yorkshire, England | Alittlebitoutoffocus

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