Mynydd Mawr Circular Walk, Snowdonia, N. Wales

A couple of weekends ago my ex-work colleague and good friend, Jason, came to visit. Jason lives in south Wales and he used to commute to the Nestlé Head Office in Vevey (Switzerland) every week for many, many years. He’d get up at some ungodly hour, on a Monday, to catch a flight from Bristol (sometimes Luton!) to arrive at the office around 11am. He’d do his required hours throughout the week and set off home on Friday afternoon to be home again for the weekend. Bonkers or what!?!

Anyway it’s a while since I’ve seen him, so it was great to catch up and we went for a walk up Mynydd Mawr. I’d read about this walk from Hilary at NearlyUphill. She’d been advised not to descend the route to the north east as it was a bit of a scramble – especially with a dog. So we set off to go that way up to check it out.

In summary the ascent path (once we found it) was steep but OK, apart from some loose stones. Our main issue was finding the path at the far end of the lake where it appeared to fizzle out, (see pic 7), even before it went up and around the dis-used Tip. Having fought our way through the woods, we then ended up on the wrong side of the stream, but that was soon remedied. Though, the climb was steep! You can get an idea of how steep it was from this picture, which was taken from the top of Snowdon a few years ago. (The path goes directly up from the woods at the far left hand side of the lake – just to the left of the rocky cliff face). Sadly, we didn’t have such good views when we did the walk, but at least it didn’t rain!

4 thoughts on “Mynydd Mawr Circular Walk, Snowdonia, N. Wales

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